According to § 5 TMG

My Store Admin
SE Marketing Solutions, Am Remmenstein 32b, 57439 Attendorn, Deutschland

SE Marketing Solutions
Nicolas Sasse & Justus Engelbertz Gbr
Justus Engelbertz, Nicolas Sasse
 Am Remmenstein 32b, 57439 Attendorn, Deutschland


Small business owners within the meaning of § 19 (1) of the German Value Added Tax Act (UStG) have the option to decide whether they want to remit VAT. If they choose not to remit VAT, they generally do not need a VAT identification number. If they do not have a VAT identification number, they are not required to include such a number in the imprint. Additionally, small business owners are often not registered in the commercial register, so no information in this regard is necessary either. However, if there is a registration in the register or a VAT identification number has been issued, the corresponding information must be provided. This template assumes that there is no VAT identification number and that the operator of the website is not registered in the commercial register. Furthermore, it has been assumed that the offer is journalistically and editorially designed, so the provider identification according to § 18 (2) of the German Interstate Media Treaty (MStV) has been separately included.


Telephone: +49 170 3382214

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